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Sentence sneak with Benedict Cumberbatch

Here's another nice fluency game with the one ond only Benedict... or the slightly improved version of the "pocket lines" inprovisation game.

Time: 10-15 minutes

Level: B1+ on

Materials: the video, some sentences prepared in advance, 3 post-its per person

Aims: to develop SS' creativity and fluency, (revise vocabulary)

0. You can skip this step if you have ready-made sentences you'd want your SS to use:

Give 3 cards to every student and ask them to write up

- either a random sentence

- or a sentence from their reading

- or some funcional language on them (you can absolutely fit this activity to your SS' needs)

Ask SS to give their sets of cards to other students.

1. Show the video from 00:00 to 1:30 (Jimmy explains the rules and they demonstrate the activity with the first round.) Of course, you can show the whole video but please note that it contains some bad language.

2. Pair your students. Explain that they'll have to do the same activity they saw in the video.

3. Monitor them while they are working.

You can actually set a topic for their discussion depending on your aims.

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